Est. 1947

The Mineola Choral Society, Inc is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Our most recent annual report may be obtained by writing to the address above or the Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, NY, NY 10271.


Send your check made out to

Mineola Choral Society to:

Mineola Choral Society

181 Charles Street

East Williston, NY 11596

Thank You!

Please Support the

Mineola Choral Society

Over our past 76 years, the financial success of the society has been primarily due to the support that we have received from individuals and businesses. That is why we have been able to maintain very reasonable ticket prices, providing a low cost opportunity for our communities to experience great choral masterworks. The cost of our concerts has increased over the years.

More than ever, we need your help.

Please Make a

Tax-Deductible Donation to the

Mineola Choral Society